Friday, May 17, 2019

A Number of Memes About the Current Barbarism in America, Presented Without Comment


LucyInDisguise said...

That last one says it all. And in a manner such as I wish I had said it.


David said...

Won't blame them a bit when it happens.

LucyInDisguise said...

I think I've got a book of matches around here somewhere ... should someone find a need.

However, all the women I know are hot enough to create a spontaneous combustion event.


David said...

If they ever figure out the power they actually have, they will rule the world.

I hope they treat men better than men have treated them.

LucyInDisguise said...

The $64,000,000 question:

Why should they?

(I mean, other than the obvious shit)


David said...

They shouldn't, really. I'm just hoping they will anyway.