Thursday, October 31, 2024

Birthday Wishes

There aren’t many milestones in American culture once you get past the age of 21.

There’s a few, of course. You can rent a car at 25. You can also run for the House of Representatives. You have to be 30 to be a Senator, and 35 to be president, if that’s something you think is interesting. You start to qualify for senior discounts at 50, and sometime after 60 you get to retire though they keep pushing that date back and eventually it won’t happen at all so be quick about it.

But there’s a long gap after 21 and to be honest not many of those other things are all that exciting to most people. Either way there are no milestones associated with turning 22. It’s one of those years where it’s kind of more of the same only older.

Those birthdays are worth celebrating as well, though.

It is a lovely thing to have made it one more trip around the sun, a thing guaranteed to nobody so it should be celebrated when it happens after all. You learn new things, experience new things, and grow in new directions. Those trips have added up over the years, and it’s always a strange thought to realize this vibrant, interesting adult isn’t a child anymore because it all happened so quickly. From one year to the next it doesn’t seem like anything changes but then you look at the cumulative effect and suddenly things really are different and you’re not sure how .

That’s why I write things down.

We’re not going to see Lauren tonight – it’s Halloween on a big college campus and there are more than enough other things going on to keep her occupied – but we’ll get together next week to celebrate. Holidays happen when you have time, and the important thing is to celebrate them together. Eventually she will hare off into her own life far from here and these opportunities will grow few and far between so we’re going to enjoy them while we have them.

And we will celebrate, because Lauren is worth celebrating.

Happy birthday, Lauren.

I’m proud of you.


LucyInDisguise said...

Allow us to raise a toast in her honor. Happy Birthday, Lauren, from the old fogies out west, and a wish for at least 80 more in good health.

Lucy & Sue

David said...

Thanks! I will pass that along! :)