Friday, July 19, 2024

This Guy? For Real?

And so, for the first time in American history, a major political party has nominated a convicted felon for the highest office in the land.

Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump has been tried and found guilty by a jury of American citizens of 34 counts relating to election interference and financial crimes and is still awaiting sentencing. These are crimes that have resulted in jail sentences for past offenders.

He remains indicted on 57 other felony charges in three different jurisdictions on charges ranging from stealing top-secret documents to insurrection, crimes that have resulted in executions for past offenders. “The classified documents described in the indictment are some of the most sensitive information we possess,” said Mick Mulroy, a senior Pentagon official during Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s administration. “This type of information should never be removed from a secured facility.” His pet judge has dismissed the documents case in violation of both law and precedent, a rogue decision that will be appealed and probably result in disciplinary action against her but will achieve Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s larger goal of delaying the trial past the election. You will note that Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s main legal strategy is not to proclaim his innocence but simply to declare that he can’t be prosecuted for any of these crimes.

He slithered into office in January 2017 after losing the popular election by over two million votes because we don’t elect presidents democratically. We elect them using Electoral College, which gives depopulated rural areas (overwhelmingly white and disproportionately evangelical) far more influence in the presidential election than their actual numbers would warrant. He lost the popular vote in a landslide in 2020 by over seven million votes, and he lost the Electoral College by roughly the same margin as he won it by in 2016. His response has been to deny reality, undermine the fabric of the American republic, and encourage his minions to threaten anyone who opposes him, which they have done in numbers.

He achieved this victory through Russian interference, something that the Mueller Report conclusively demonstrated even if the Justice Department declined to indict a sitting president for it. Even if you limit yourself to the publicly available sections (and if this is what they were willing to release, imagine what is in the parts they censored) the report noted “sweeping and systematic” Russian interference with the 2016 election and roughly 150 contacts between Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s campaign and Russian agents during that time. Six of Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s advisors were charged with crimes based on the Mueller Report, and five pleaded guilty. Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson testified under oath before Congress that Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump “is effectively compromised and being blackmailed” by Russian agents.

He was impeached twice during his disastrous term in office, something no American president had ever done before. On both occasions a bipartisan vote nearly convicted him, but Republican party discipline defeated patriotic loyalty to the nation and he remained in power.

The first impeachment was for trying to blackmail the sovereign nation of Ukraine into manufacturing false allegations against the son of his main political rival by threatening to withhold military assistance approved by Congress until they did so. It is worth noting that Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump has steadfastly supported Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and has promised not only to cut Ukraine loose to be devoured by his patron but also to sabotage NATO so that Putin can take the rest of Europe should he choose to do so.

The second impeachment was for inciting insurrection and attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States. It is further worth noting that during the January 6 Insurrection Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump saw no need to move to safety as he knew very well that this was his movement, nor did he have any particular moral qualms about threatening the sitting Vice President of the United States with death should that Vice President not overturn the 2020 election.

He is an adjudicated rapist and a proudly self-confessed sexual predator who has openly lusted after his daughter. He’s a serial adulterer who cheated on at least one wife while she was giving birth to his child.

He is a racist who ripped families apart at the border and tried to set up detention camps for asylum seekers there, in violation of both American and international law. He has openly campaigned on using the US military to carry out mass deportations without due process should he seize power again. His cult waved signs demanding this at this week’s GOP nominating convention, in fact. He has a track record of lawsuits filed against him for his racist activities that goes back to the 1970s or earlier.

He so willfully and grievously mismanaged the US response to COVID19 that peer-reviewed scientific studies estimate that he is solely responsible for over a quarter of a million extra American deaths. He used pandemic aid as a political weapon, denying it to his political opponents. He went on national television to endorse injecting bleach up your ass as a preventative and horse dewormer as a cure.

He has gone bankrupt multiple times trying to sell alcohol, red meat, and gambling to the American public, something that by rights should be physically impossible but that’s what happens when your business skills are just that bad.

He is an open authoritarian who has declared that he will be a “dictator on day one” and his thoroughly corrupted Supreme Court has now granted him that authority. He does not appear to have ever read the Constitution and he certainly has demonstrated no interest or ability in complying with it.

He spent four years actively courting the world’s dictators and alienating America’s staunchest allies. US intelligence agencies regarded him as such a security threat that they refused to share information with him and advised allies not to do so either. In this they were fully justified because on several occasions Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump divulged secret and sensitive information to our enemies and weakened US national security. His abject groveling before Vladimir Putin in Finland during his term was so morally repellant that even Republican officials sharply criticized him. The American Conservative magazine flat out called him “Putin’s prison bride.”

He declared that Nazis were “fine people” after one of them killed a woman protesting his policies. I am sure that the Americans who gave their lives fighting against Nazis in WWII would have a different perspective on that, but then what does Corporal Bone Spurs know about fighting, after all. You can’t be a good Nazi and a good American at the same time. We had a war about that. The whole world was there. This did not stop him from hiring actual out-and-proud Nazis for his administration in his first administration, and it won’t in the next.

The fact that some idiot took a potshot at Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump recently doesn’t change the fact that Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump is manifestly unfit for any office, let alone the presidency, and should not be allowed near the White House even as a tourist.

This is the guy the Republican Party wants to install into power in January 2025.

And I say to hell with him.

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