Saturday, July 13, 2024

One Fucking Idiot and Things Get Ugly

So apparently some fucking idiot took a potshot at Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump today.

I suppose it says something that my first thought was to question whether it was a false flag operation designed to make a twice-impeached self-admitted sexual predator and serial deadbeat campaigning on a platform that openly calls for the destruction of the American republic somehow more sympathetic.

But there is no shortages of fucking idiots with guns in this country, and the GOP has gone to great lengths to make sure that nothing whatsoever can be done about this fact. There is no need for a false flag operation for this to happen. We slaughter our own children with a demented glee that you simply don’t find in civilized portions of the world, so the idea that someone with inappropriate but unfettered access to firearms decided to impose himself (I’ll put money on the fact that the shooter was a man) on the election should come as no surprise.

My second thought was that the last thing this country needs is for that two-bit neo-Fascist grifter to become a martyr.

I bow to nobody in my contempt for Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump and those who seek to use him to impose dictatorship on the United States (hello, there, Heritage Foundation!). He’s 77 years old, morbidly obese, and held together mostly by rage and high blood pressure so if demographics were to take its natural course I wouldn’t mourn.

But I do not condone political violence.

Not even for candidates who call for violence against others.

To go down that path is madness. Once people start down that path nobody has any idea where it will end except that it will be worse than anyone imagines.

That’s the nature of political violence. It just makes everything worse.

All that will happen now is that the vast neo-Nazi support mechanism that props up Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s candidacy will feel unleashed to begin their reign of terror on the American people earlier than they had planned.

The Republican Party in its modern Trumpian mode have brought this on themselves with their open solicitation of “Second Amendment Solutions,” their continued support for violent insurrection, and their absolute refusal to do anything about the rising tide of gun violence in this country in general, and the only surprise to me today is that it backfired on them instead of the people they usually direct those threats toward.

The coming fallout will damage everyone, even the vast majority of us who understand why that sort of violence can never be allowed or defended.

I grieve for my country.

Hang onto your hats, folks. We could end up miles from here.


  1. OMG Spot on!!!! Love this piece! Thank you!

  2. Glad you liked it!

    Sometimes you just have to holler.

  3. My first thought was identical to yours.

  4. Yeah, I suppose it was a simple leap, in this day and age.

    I'm still pretty sure that it was real, but I have to admit there are a lot of things about it that don't quite add up to me.

    Why no medical report, nearly a week later? Why was Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump allowed to pose for his cover photo during an active shooter incident? And so on.

    All I know for sure is that it is going to get uglier from here.


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