Sunday, June 11, 2023

A Hint of What May Come Next

And so it begins.

In the wake of the stunningly thorough and absolutely damning indictment of der Sturmtrumper for violating the Espionage Act – and if you haven’t read it already you should, since it’s readily available online and absolutely eye-opening; if half the things in it hold up in court this could be one of the most damaging violations of American national security in decades – MAGAworld has collectively lost most of whatever could generously be called its mind. They are incensed that the Dear Leader could ever be called to accountability for his crimes. They are outraged at the possibility that they might be as well. And they’re ready and eager to kill you over it.

In case you think I’m exaggerating, here are a few selections from various online portals to MAGAworld, for your edification:

“The only way this country ever becomes anything like the Constitution says this country should be is if thousands of traitorous rats are publicly executed.”

“Doesn’t have to be thousands, just a few dozen would do. Shit would STOP immediately.”

“Millions. The real problem is the people that vote for them, as long as they exist the problem can’t be solved.”

“If they steal the election again why are we talking about anything but dragging the political elite out of their homes and setting them on fire?”

“I prefer tying them to vehicles and dragging them across concrete until they are ground down to nothing.”

“We need to start killing these traitorous fuckstains”.

“It's not gonna stop until bodies start stacking up. We are not civilly represented anymore and they'll come for us next. Some of us, they already have.”

And this is just from the echo chambers that they have online, the ones that were too knuckledragging even for 4Chan to put up with. You can find it among so-called “respectable” GOP leaders as well.

Here’s Kari Lake, failed Arizona GOP candidate for governor and current abuser of the legal system:

“I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland and Jack Smith and Joe Biden — and the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one is for you. If you want to get to President Trump, you are going to have go through me, and you are going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the N.R.A.”

Or Arizona GOP Representative Andy Biggs (what do they put in the water in Arizona, anyway?):

"We have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye,"

And on and on. It took me maybe 45 seconds of internet searching to find all of these. You can probably find more if you wanted to do so.

This is not the response of a rational, adult movement. This is the response of violent extremists eager to impose absolute rule over the majority and baying for blood.

Has there been any pushback against any of this from the GOP? That’s the key, after all. Extremists you have everywhere, but how do the people those extremists claim to support react to this support? Have there been any declarations from Republicans about how unacceptable this is? How this is domestic terrorism? How this is morally bankrupt, criminal, and arguably treasonous?

Hello? Is this thing on? Hello?

Of course not.

And that’s the problem right there. It’s one thing for the assholes to make threats. Assholes gonna asshole, after all. It’s quite another for one of the only two major political parties we have (and only one of them) to step back and declare through their tacit approval that this is acceptable or even desirable conduct.

There is no excuse for this.

Watch your back.

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