Saturday, February 5, 2022

Illegitimate Political Discourse

Fuck these people.

Seriously. Fuck them sideways with a Buick.

The Republican Party has now officially declared that the treasonous insurrection of January 6, 2021 – designed, said its main inciter and beneficiary explicitly, to “overturn” the election of 2020 and install him into power against the will of the American people – was a form of “legitimate political discourse.”

Think about that.

Violent rebellion against the freely elected government of the United States has now been declared normal politics by the Republican Party.

Abraham Lincoln would have had the lot of them hauled off in chains. How a party forged by four years of stamping out exactly this kind of treason has swung full circle to openly advocating it would be an interesting political question if it weren’t so infuriatingly grotesque and such a direct threat to Constitutional order.

For the record, let’s remind ourselves of what “legitimate political discourse” looks like, according to the Republican Party.

Seven people died as a direct result this assault on the United States, according to a bipartisan Senate report released in June 2021. Over a hundred police officers were injured during the insurrection, which doesn’t seem to have impressed the usual “blue lives matter” crowd that was responsible for it. The United States Capitol suffered over a million dollars of damage.

Evidence now clearly shows that this was a coup attempt, orchestrated at the highest levels of the Trump administration.

“Legitimate political discourse,” according to the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is the single greatest threat to the survival of the American republic, a cancer upon the nation, and an openly subversive group of power-mad authoritarians. American patriots, liberal and conservative, must come together and treat them accordingly.

Treason has a price.

It is time that price was paid.


  1. And, let us be perfectly clear about this: not just any ol’ generic Buick.

    It should be a 1957 Buick Roadmaster.

    My very first car was a white over green 1957 Series 70 Roadmaster Four-Door Riviera Hardtop sedan. They only made 10,526 of them. Curb weight: 4540 lbs. (2¼ TONS of STEEL!) It took 45’ of space to make a u-turn. Even the radio’s antenna was reinforced with Corbomite.

    And, it was 215” (~18’) long, which would make sideways fucking a very mesmerizing experience.

    My research has located only three Roadmasters still out there. Harrah’s has one in their National Automobile Museum in Reno. Jay Leno has a convertible in his Jay Leno’s Garage Collection. The third sold at auction a few years back for a mind-boggling amount of money.

    So, unless we can locate another one somewhere, we’re probably going to have to talk to Jay about borrowing his convertible. I’m certain he would be amenable to the request, given the project at hand.

    Seriously, though, fuck them. Just be sure you use a suitable instrument.*


    * And no lube. it might damage the paint. I would hate to have to deal with a very upset Jay Leno.

  2. I have to admit I had a 1974 Buick Riviera in mind but a 1957 Roadmaster would be a lot classier. I'm impressed that you had one of those! My dad would have been envious - he loved those old cars.

    Yes indeed, we cannot upset Jay Leno. No lube.

    On the one hand, it is somewhat heartening to realize that they're this desperate to destroy the country because they only have a short amount of time before they're obsolete - the current tide of history is against them. On the other hand they can do an immense amount of damage before they go, and the fact that the tide is against them now is no guarantee they'll drown.

    Tough times.

  3. I got the car from my dad just before my 16th birthday after he could no longer drive. If I had only known ...

    Unfortunately, the rethuglicans have reduced this to a zero-sum game, and they don't give a damn how much damage they cause on their way out.

    More unfortunately; I may actually live to see the result of their actions.

    Disappoints such as these are what life has offered, and I suppose it shall be my lot. (However, though I may have to endure, I do not have to accept it.)


  4. Oh, no - we don't have to accept anything. Half the reason I write these things is because I want it on record that I do not accept the active Fascism of the American right wing. I want it known. I don't know if they will be defeated, but I want it known that American patriots did not sit idly by and watch.

    They don't care how much damage they do. They'd rather burn the place down and piss on the ashes than let anyone else hold power, that's been clear for years.

    Gonna be an interesting time, yes indeed.

    I didn't get my first car until I was nearly 30. I never needed one - I lived in places that had public transportation systems, where owning a car was an unnecessary expense. I miss those places, to be honest.


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