Tuesday, January 18, 2022


One of the benefits of reading science fiction and fantasy novels is that they teach you to accept as reality whatever is presented to you as such.

This is a valuable skill in a world as determined to outweird itself with every passing moment. 

A few days ago one of Lauren’s friends left on our porch a giant plastic bag full of overbaked sandwich rolls that her workplace was getting rid of. Yep, a big old bag of rolls is definitely what it was. Big bag. Biiiiig bag. Of rolls. You would think this was Peak Weird for that situation, but you would be wrong. As for me, I figured they’d be heading toward the chickens at some point this week. It turned out that Lauren and the Squad had other plans, though.

Last night they disappeared into the basement with the bag of bread, several long pieces of quarter-round that could be converted into dowels, and a general sense that the world was simply not weird enough for their liking.

The end result was Breadly.


 Yes, Breadly is a guy.

They ended up stuffing him into the van and heading off into the cold Wisconsin night to various Points of Interest, all the while taking pictures – basically “Flat Stanley-ing” him around the county. It was an adventure. He didn’t make it home – perhaps he was left as a warning to others, though about what and to whom I cannot fathom – and by now I suspect that Breadly has been picked clean by crows and all that remains is the quarter round.

But he made the world a more entertaining place while he lasted, and that has to count for something.

Fare thee well, Breadly. We hardly knew ye.

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