Thursday, October 31, 2019

Birthday Wishes

It’s Lauren’s birthday today.

She’s across the sea now, enjoying her time abroad.  We got to talk with her this morning before we left for our respective workplaces – it was afternoon where she was – and we wished her a happy birthday.  Such is the miracle of modern technology that you can do that, just press a few buttons and suddenly see and talk with someone who is a world away.  Truly we live in an age of miracles.

She seems happy there.  She introduced us to her friend from Language Boot Camp who had come for a visit and brought mac-n-cheez as a birthday gift because he knows her well by now.  Her host family had treated her to a very nice meal earlier, and her host mom sent us a lovely picture of Lauren and her new sisters.  And she was having some other people over that evening.  So she was doing well.

It’s strange not having her around, though.

This is the first birthday of either of our kids where they weren’t here.  Tabitha’s always comes during breaks, so even as a college student we can celebrate together. 

It won’t be the last, of course.

Children grow up; that is the nature of children.  They become adults faster than you would ever think possible, and then there they are – off at college, away on a yearlong exchange program, living their lives.  That’s what you hope for as a parent.

Happy birthday, Lauren.

I’m proud of you.

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