Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Reminder for the Supporters of the Current President

When the history of this era is written, those who continue to support the current president in the face of overwhelming evidence of his guilt and of his own proud confessions to high crimes and misdemeanors will be remembered as collaborators.

They will be discussed in the same breath as Vichy France, Vidkun Quisling, and all of the other cowards who saw unrepentant authoritarianism and contempt for human decency, for morals, for laws, for constitutions, for the survival of democracy and republic alike, and willingly joined in to make it happen.

When the history of this era is written, those who continue to support the current president will be remembered for being pathetically eager to embrace overt racism and the destruction of a century of progress in favor of bigotry, hatred, and regression.

They will be discussed in the same breath as the Nazis their leader called “fine people” – perhaps because those Nazis endorsed him as one of their own, publicly and without contradiction – and they will be asked, long after they are dead, long after they can even pretend to defend themselves, why they thought rampant child abuse was acceptable as an American government policy so long as it was directed at brown-skinned children.

When the history of this era is written, those who continue to support the current president will be remembered as the people who looked on and cheered while he abandoned our allies to die, kowtowed to dictators, and systematically weakened American national security in pursuit of his own tawdry self-interest.

They will be discussed in the same breath as the spies and saboteurs we once rooted out and imprisoned and they will be condemned along with them.  There will be astonishment at how a nation that once claimed to be the leader of the free world could so easily and cheaply throw that away to the mindless applause of supporters.

When this history of this era is written, those who continue to support this president will be remembered as the short-sighted ideological prisoners who doomed the planet to roast and condemned their own children to die hungry and without a future in a rapidly warming world that could have been prevented.

They will be discussed in the same breath as all the other charlatans and frauds who covered up a century of science in the name of quarterly profits, who thought it was funny to troll a teenager who tried so hard to warn them, and whose blind willful ignorance made them the perfect base for a charlatan and fraud of a president.

When the history of his era is written, those who continue to support the current president will be remembered.

They will be reviled.

They will be held up as examples of everything Americans were not supposed to be.  As cowards.  As moral lepers.  As complicit in the destruction of everything the Founders tried to create and everything generations of Americans after the Founders sought to achieve.  As wasteful fools squandering the future of the nation and everyone in it for meaningless rewards.

They will be forsworn.  They will be cursed by their descendants and held up as examples of how easily a people can be led astray by hatred and how hard it is for those people to reclaim their humanity once it is cheaply sold for political advantage.

When the history of this era is written, these things will come to pass.

The history of this era is already being written.

Those who continue to support this president should remember that.

Because the rest of us will.



    If there is any justice remaining in this universe, You, SIre, shall write that History.



  2. If there is any justice there will be multitudes writing it, myself very much included.



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