Thursday, July 25, 2013

Observations on the County Fair

1. These things are just so much nicer when the weather cooperates.  It’s about thirty degrees Fahrenheit cooler than it was last year, and this makes all the walking around, waiting in lines, and generally hanging about much more pleasant.

2. We’ve had a successful award season this year!  In addition to Lauren’s Top Blue for photography, Tabitha scored a Top Blue in the Drawing and Painting category with her Popcorn multimedia entry.

3. And Lauren got a Blue for her rabbit, Milkshake.  It’s been a good year.

4. Every year I forget just how loud these things are.  I suppose it is a sign of just how old I am getting.

5. One thing I do not forget is the need to have closed-toe shoes.  I’m constantly amazed at how many people there are cruising through the dairy barns and the hog barn with sandals on their feet.  Whatever floats your boat, I suppose, but still.

6. This year’s fair is less political than in previous years.  The Constitution Party seems to have given up trying to inject its hallucinatory view of American history into the local dialogue.  The local Democrats are pretty much quiet though not out.  And the Republicans are too smug about their absolute unchecked power to wreak havoc upon the state to get too much in people’s faces about it.  Honestly, it’s not even worth having a debate anymore.

7. There are very few things in this world as creepy as an abandoned midway, even in broad daylight.  Though as a friend of mine put it, what would be even creepier would be the same scene with a single clown in it.

8. The lemonade makes it all worth it.

9. For the last time, people, soft pretzels are not meant to be eaten with cheese.  They were created specifically to serve as a conduit for mustard.  Pay no mind to any other suggestion.

10. You know it’s been a good day at the fair when you have to pour your children into bed like day-old coffee and they thank you for it.


  1. You pour day-old coffee in bed and you're worried about people wearing sandals?

    Due to a line break I didn't immediately notice the comma and thought you said, "rabbit Milkshake". Maybe I need more sleep

  2. I got called away by a crying baby, but I meant to add that it's nice that your fair allows kids to participate, our local fair seems to be all about the midway. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. No elephants either.

  3. Congrats to Tabby! A top blue! That's outstanding!

  4. We are in a house full of Top Blues! Both Lauren and Tabitha got one - it's a proud time. :)

    Tim - Our fair is a 4H fair, which means it is ALL about the kids. The animals are raised and shown by the kids, the projects are done by the kids, and so on. Really, as an adult I feel like a trespasser sometimes. And that's fine.

    Also, Lauren thought your "rabbit milkshake" mistake was hysterically funny.

  5. Your girls are quite talented. I love the popcorn project.

  6. Thanks, Bea!

    The neat part about the popcorn project is that Tabitha actually made the popcorn out of paper mache (or however one spells that). The judges liked that she didn't just use real popcorn.


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