Monday, January 2, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

The semester is over. The Christmas break back east with family and friends is in the past. The car is unpacked, the laundry is spinning, and somehow there must be meals not prepared by others.

It’s good to be back.

No matter how much fun a trip is, no matter how great it is to see family and friends, it is always good to return home, to sleep in your own bed and be surrounded by your own stuff.

David is happy.

Did David just go third person on you? Yes, yes he did. That is how happy David is to be home.

And it will be nice to be blogging again, after a semester’s absence. I have any number of subjects all lined up and ready to write about. I’ve got projects that will no doubt bleed over into here. And it’s an election year – the gift that keeps on giving to us bloggers, especially with the collection of losers, whackmobiles and cardboard cutouts currently vying for the nomination of a once-proud party. It’s going to be a fun semester around here.

It’s good to be back.

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