Monday, May 3, 2010

Bring on the Noise, Bring on the Funk

Yesterday was recital day here in Our Little Town!

Tabitha and Lauren have been taking music lessons for some time now, and every spring their teacher rounds up all of her students and rents out the hall where Kim and I had our wedding reception. All the families show up with goodies for afterward, and we go upstairs for the show.

This does require preparation.

The girls have been diligently practicing their recital pieces for weeks now. Tabitha had a selection of "Ode to Joy" for her violin, and Lauren had two piano pieces - one a short, minor-key piece entitled "Russian Sailor Dance" that turned out to be Ukrainian (who knew?), and the other a bouncy little thing called "Hot Popcorn."

That last one was a duet. With me.

It's been a while since I was last on stage with a keyboard in front of me, and it's been an even greater while since I had my year of piano lessons way back in high school, but Lauren and I worked it out.

Grandma and Grandpa came down for the show, and after a last minute trip to the dollar store to find Tabitha some nice-looking shoes that a) fit and b) were not sneakers we made our way to the recital hall. We've been there many times in the last fifteen years, but I still picture it the way it was when Kim and I got married and I'm always vaguely surprised not to see the paintings of tractors on the walls. Instead, there was a raft of other, less agriculturally-centered art on the walls and rows of chairs on the floor.

And the show began.

Both girls did a wonderful job with their pieces, as did all of the performers really. I even held up my end of the duet, which was a relief.

And then there were cookies. Mmmm. Cookies.

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