Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rainy Day Thoughts

The girls are back in school today, both of them at once for the first time since last Thursday and only the second time in ten days.

Of course today is the day where the sun never quite rose and the air is composed mostly of raindrops and umbrellas. Because they need to get sick again, that's why. But we wrapped them up in waterproof coats and found suitable umbrellas (Lauren's favorite is now defunct and we had to find one of her old ones, even though it does have a hole in it, because the grown-up umbrella we gave her was "embarrassing" to her - she's going to be an interesting teenager, Lauren) and sent them on their way. It's dry at school.

So that leaves Kim and I home alone, it being Spring Break down at Home Campus. I could be doing work for On-Line U, but that institution has quite literally given me nightmares for much of the past week and I need to not think about it for a while. I could also be job-hunting for something that lasts longer than sixteen weeks, and certainly that is on this week's agenda - I have books I want to buy, and there must be income for that to happen.

I've heard it said that work is the curse of the drinking class. As with so many other things, I like drinking but I've never been all that good at it. For me, work is the curse of the reading class. They are similar in many ways, though. You shouldn't read and drive, for one thing. And both leave you prone to spouting useless knowledge at inopportune moments.

Mostly, though, I will let it rain. Rainy days are good for the tired soul.

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